Saving money is an art. It requires swift planning to buy the necessary and save the remaining. A chunk of money goes into the necessary buys including grocery, bills, rent, and travel cost; sometimes you may spend extra by eating away something of your choice. Saving penny by penny after all the expenditure requires a lot of plan. Often we all end up spending more than we have planned.  Thus, having strict guidance is what we all need.To make your life little on the track, let’s discuss on Kakeibo.

Kakeibo: A Budgeting Journal

Japanese word Kakeibo is pronounced as “Kah-Keh-Boh” is an art of tracking down your earnings and expenditure. Back in the year 1904, the first female journalist of Japan, Hani Motoko designed Kakeibo to help all the busy women to make some savings.

The concept chiefly proposes that as the month begins, you need to sit down with the plan for Kakeibo. You write all the things you need to spend, going to save and to-dos to reach your goals. Further, you can review what you have achieved.

Sounds interesting right?

Well, it is not an issue to earn and spend, but having security is important. Planning will take you and make your home happier. If you have budget goals and plans you can make through all the tough time without borrowing from others. This art can only be maintained if you urge to like a life lavishly with a lot of sound spending and quality saving.

Kakeibo is a saving tool

Millions of the Japanese have set goals. They work wisely; manage the household finances and plans out the things perfectly. Kakeibo has inspired a lot of people to build the plan and budget before the month starts. The simple way of tracking the finances has resulted in a fruitful combination of budgeting and mindfulness. It brought a state of mind where you can relax and think wise about all your financial wellbeing.

Kakeibo Goals: To save more

Often you’ll come across people who do not believe in the idea of saving. This is not a way to live a healthy and better life. Tracking down all you’re spending and earning time to time will make you a responsible person.

As per research, it is claimed that having a budget helps you to stop excess spending and saves up to 35 per cent of your budget.

Kakeibo is the perfect example of how simple budgeting can be. No digital, technology or complex mathematical calculations are required to cut off your expenditure. It is you who can plan and spend wisely.

How to work out Kakeibo? Write your ins and outs

Kakeibo should be done at the beginning of the month. Sit in a place, calm yourself and think about all the expenses you necessitate doing for the month. Write all the incomings in one place and the outgoings too to track down your expenses. Having a target of savings in mind is crucial to reach a conclusion.

There are four questions that Kakeibo depends on:

  • How much money do I have?

Your monthly income

  • How much money do I wish to save?

If you are struggling to save money each month, do not aim too high. It is better if you progress slowly with small amounts to save on initial months.

  • How much I am spending?

Write all the things – needs, wants, culture and unexpected. Starting from grocery, bills, rents, parlour bills, food, dinners, Netflix, extras like repairing, replacement, anniversaries, birthdays and similar others. See how much you need to spend and what can be avoided.

  • How much I can improve?

Once you have figured out your expenditure, you can notice how you can improve. Keep an eye on every category of expenditure. Identify what things you can reduce in the next month. Try to cut off those unnecessary expenses and make it in your savings.

Saving is a component of your everyday life. Budgeting methods proposed as per Kakeibo if can be followed, you will surely reach a stage where you can have your savings.  Struggling will be there but sticking to a budget can be made possible with Kakeibo.  It is a great way to see the big picture in a mindful view.

Kakeibo is more than saving money. It helps you to be self-aware and self-discipline with a peace of mind.